item Industrietechnik GmbH
Friedenstrasse 107-109
D - 42699 Solingen

Telephone +49 / 212 / 65 80- 300
Facsimile  +49 / 212 / 65 80- 310
E-Mail:  info(at) 

Compulsory details under § 5 TMG (Germany):
item is a company registered at:
Register Court Office,  City of Wuppertal HRB 14912
VAT ID no. in accordance with § 27a UstG:
DE 12095947

Executive Managing Directors:
S. Buchmann, Dr. H. Giese, W. Kurtz, T. Neller

© ™ Copyright:
All graphic images and copy are subject to copyright and are owned by item Industrietechnik GmbH. They may only be copied and/or used with our prior, explicit permission.
item is a registered trademark.

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